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EQUIPPALLET believes that talent diversity contributes to the success of its businesses and encourages innovation and the creation of new opportunities. In this way, it offers an informal environment, where teamwork and mutual trust are encouraged and where people are treated with dignity and respect. To this end, EQUIPPALLET expects its employees to be fair and honest in conducting business with their work partners and to follow the following principles:

  • Be genuine and conscientious in conducting your work;

  • Avoid relationships or interests, whether direct or indirect, that could influence or impair your ability to act with integrity and objectivity;

  • Treat customers, colleagues, competition and outsourced partners with dignity, integrity and respect, always being cordial in the communication used;

  • Act ethically in all business transactions;

  • Make clear decisions in line with business strategies;

  • Comply with local laws, regulations and rules regarding dishonesty, corruption and/or bad faith behavior;

  • Respect the diversity of people, considering unacceptable behaviors such as victimization, harassment, prejudice or discrimination in relation to race, color, origin, gender, personal aesthetics, physical conditions, nationality, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, social position, religion, disability and other acts that harm the honor, respect or dignity of other employees, as well as partners, customers or other third parties within the work environment, whether physical or virtual.


We do not tolerate any type of sexual harassment between employees, third parties or partners in our work environments. These problems must be reported and formalized with the HR sector (Human Resources).

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